11 maj, 2024

Hur du sminkar dig beroende på din ögonform

Hos Make It Colourful hittade jag en suverän guide för hur du sminkar dina ögon beroende på dina ögons form. Tex om du har små ögon, ögon som sitter långt ifrån etc.

It is not very difficult to learn how to use optical illusions to your own advantage. This post will show you how to improve your eye shape and make your eyes look more beautiful with the help of shadows, mascara and eyeliner.

Before we get into talking about different eye shapes, there are some general rules that can be helpful as guidelines along the way:

  • Dark shades make your eyes visually smaller, deep set, whilst light shades, on the contrary, make them appear bigger. If you want to create the effect of big, attractive eyes, prefer light eye-shadows.
  • Eye shadows applied after an eye pencil or any other kind of eyeliner will make your eyes look softer and dreamy. For a more dramatic look, apply eyeliner after the application of eye-shadows.
  • Don’t forget to curl your eyelashes, and then cover them with a layer or two of mascara. Avoid lining the inner edge of the lower eyelashes, as it can make your eyes visually smaller (unless lining with light shades). (My optician also told me that lining the inner rims may cause clogging of the inner rim glands, we do have tiny ones there)

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